Saturday, July 08, 2006

Not gonna be homeless

Well, that's a relief. After a frustrating day of apartment hunting yesterday, the first place we saw today was amazing. I met my mom and sister for breakfast, and they tagged along. When we arrived at 1950 St. Claire in St. Paul, we were greeted by a woman and her college-aged daughter. Looking at the place from the outside, it has a new roof, new stucco, new windows, and was in great shape. The inside was also totally sweet, with a 1920's style interior, hardwood floors in the bedroom, new appliances, new furnace, and it was very clean. What was great was that the owner wasn't looking for an exhaustive criminal background and rental background, just more of a character survey to make sure that tenants were trustworthy and responsible it was actually a really good thing I brought my mom along. So, barring any trouble from the references they're checking, we'll be moving in around August 1st. I'm totally stoked.

Now I need to find a job!

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