Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New digs

So, I'm here, and it's pretty sweet. Aside from the box elder bugs that have reared their ugly heads (I think I brought them with me from Eau Claire), everything is hunky-dory. Ryan and I managed to fill the van + trailer to absolute capacity, and everything made it to St. Paul OK. Mark and Tess came to help unload stuff, and we threw a little party with lemonade, popsicles, chips, and salsa.

Also accompanying me on my trip was a nice cold that still hasn't gone away. It's making this transition a bit more frustrating, but I'll defeat it.

Great news: Talked with Twin Cities Academy, and I'll be making a good salary with full benefits, and lots of other sweet incentives. I meet with the principal on Monday to get started. I'm excited.

This morning I went and got all of the little things I didn't have from Target, which added up fast. I also went to Best Buy and got a new cell phone and number. I posted it on Facebook and e-mailed most folks, but if you want it, drop me a line (I'm not going to post it here for the whole world to see).

If I sit in the center of the office, I can pick up a decent wireless signal from the neighbors, so I'm going to wait until I feel better before I wrestle with the huge cable company...it sucks that there's only one option for cable internet, but what can ya do? Nothin'.

So that's about it...I have a lot of work ahead of me in the next few days, but it'll probably be enjoyable. Don't forget to drop me a line and visit when you're in town!

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