Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Well, I changed things around a bit...don't know if I like it. They got this new Blogger Beta thing going, so I had to try it. I'm sure it'll change again soon...especially since you can now change your blog appearance without losing all of your links.

Anyway, teaching is starting to calm down, but only starting. I'm having some interesting discussions with students, such as what a grill was. We were talking about things that people write music about, like love, breaking up, violence, etc. One girl said "grills." I thought...ok, sure, people write about food I guess, so I wrote grills, g-r-i-l-l-s. I was promptly corrected..."no, it's with a z. G-r-i-l-l-z." A request for an explanation was made, and it turns out a grill is actually someone who has a lot of gold teeth. The more gold in your mouth, the more impressive your grill. That shit's crunk. I asked if I could just call it bling, and they said it was OK, since I'm old (23?), but I had to call it bling-bling.

Man do I feel square.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about switching to beta, but I figured I'd let someone else try it first so I can hear how it is. So... How do you like it? It won't let me publish a comment under my username, which is weird, but maybe it will let me do it anonymously.

By the way, I'm older than you and I know what "grillz" are. ;)

- Amy

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