Chapter 2: Stability/Having Another Go at it.
Today Alison and I celebrate our 1-month anniversary. No huge deal, really, but it hardly feels like a month has passed. Alison claims it feels as if the day never happened. I would tend to all flew by so fast, and all of the sudden things were back to normal again. People keep telling me that it did in fact happen, and that it was enjoyable, so I suppose I'll take their word for it.
Today also marks another important milestone. One year ago today I gained access to the lower duplex on Saint Clair Ave. The next year was spent figuring out how to not suck at teaching, how to live with a girl, and planning/executing a wedding. I have learned a lot in my first year of truly being on my own. Alison and I have been making several upgrades to our living space - buying furniture in an effort to organize and find a place for everything. In the last year this place has never quite felt settled, but we're getting there.
In fact, that feeling of instability has dominated this past year in general. I think when you are a new member in a community, job, or living situation, it takes awhile to acclimate and to adjust. I know I'm still adjusting, but some of the pieces are starting to lock in. I spent some time at work today figuring out curriculum for my HS General Music class. This is my second time teaching it, and the frantic worry of making everything up is gone, since I've done it once before. The revision process is far less stressful than the creation process, let me tell you what. I've always hated being the new guy.
In unrelated news, go over to and listen to Bon Iver (AKA Justin Vernon)'s new record "For Emma, Forever Ago." It's beautiful.
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