Monday, May 05, 2008

Summer Camp!

Well, the boss lady has officially sent in the down payment, so I'm off to Band Teacher Summer Camp! It'll be great! There'll be campfires, sing-alongs, and there's a girl's camp across the lake! Oh, there will be so many memories!

...not quite, but I am attending the Wind Band Institute at Concorida College in happenin' Moorhead, MN from June 23rd-26th. It will feature Andrew Boysen, Jr. and Robert Duke, and it should be good. None of you have any reason to be excited for this, but I feel good about doing something to improve myself this summer.

Other than that, I don't have much going this summer. No job prospects or major trips in the works...probably a good amount of babysitting, softball, etc. I'm gettin' antsy for it.

One more month of school!

1 comment:

Colin said...

Yeah, MacFail is probably looking for a decent trombonist - not an amateur master's graduate who likes to misspell their name.

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