Summer Camp!
Well, the boss lady has officially sent in the down payment, so I'm off to Band Teacher Summer Camp! It'll be great! There'll be campfires, sing-alongs, and there's a girl's camp across the lake! Oh, there will be so many memories!
...not quite, but I am attending the Wind Band Institute at Concorida College in happenin' Moorhead, MN from June 23rd-26th. It will feature Andrew Boysen, Jr. and Robert Duke, and it should be good. None of you have any reason to be excited for this, but I feel good about doing something to improve myself this summer.
Other than that, I don't have much going this summer. No job prospects or major trips in the works...probably a good amount of babysitting, softball, etc. I'm gettin' antsy for it.
One more month of school!
1 comment:
Yeah, MacFail is probably looking for a decent trombonist - not an amateur master's graduate who likes to misspell their name.
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