Sunday, August 03, 2008

Matchbox 20 Sucks

So tonight was Mark's birthday party w/baseball and beer afterward, and I'm now at home, up later than I have been in a long while, and I'm winding down before going to bed, and distracting me currently is a Matchbox 20 concert on PBS. I am absolutely amazed at how A) A group made up of seemingly mediocre musicians and really, really bland, generic music, could produce a facade of a performance where they're up on stage, rocking hard and really getting into really cheesy, simple music, and playing it off like they're rock virtuosos, and B) How the crowd completely eats it up. It's kinda gross.

That's all. In 9th grade I listened to "Yourself or Someone Like You" everyday on the bus ride to school for about 2's amazing how your tastes change and mature.

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