Monday, January 19, 2009

I used to blog more

"Blog"'s such an ugly sounding word, and even uglier sounding when used as a verb. "What are you doing?" "Blogging." Blech.

I've been reading over entries from 2006 for some strange reason. Some startling conclusions:
1) I wrote with relative frequency
2) There was actually some interesting content

Will I get the band back together and start blogging more? No promises. If nothing else it serves as a nice chronicle of the passing of days...a diary of sorts that everyone can see. I remember events that I would otherwise forget by looking back.

So today I participated in a focus group for SmartMusic. The actual session was nothing special...they showed us a bunch of screen shots from the new version they're working on and asked us for our reactions. But for our trouble they gave us cookies, popcorn, 3 scores of music used in the program, and $20. Score.

Oh, and Alison and I are going to buy a house. It'll be on 336 Sturgis St. in St. Paul, and it's freaking gorgeous. Look on Alison's FB for pics. Went through an inspection of the place on Thursday and for a 100 year old house, it's in impeccable shape. When the home inspector is impressed, that's a good thing. We take ownership on March 2nd, then will rent it back to the previous owner until May 1st (we didn't want to move in until then b/c our lease isn't done until May 10). We're gonna be landlords for 2 months!

I will try to write again before another month has passed.


gnate said...

"Oh, BTW, I'm buying a house."
Very sly.


Ryan and Max's Mama said...

G.Nate is just not up on the latest and greatest. I've been waiting for you to blog about the house -- I saw the pics on fb. And I'm also impressed that it's 100 years old. Our 80 year old house looks worse. Stupid house.

The tax breaks are pretty amazing. Don't take that "first time homebuyer credit" on your taxes next year, though, if it's an option. It's just a loan. boo.

Good luck!

I Voted in 89.3 The Current's Top 89 Albums of 2007