Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I just finished reviewing the archives of my blog, starting in October and working up through this month. I'm not quite sure what spurred it on. I made dinner tonight - stir fry, and managed to put in way too much ginger. Yikes. That failure, coupled with a frustrating end to my day, put me into a kind of a funk. I proceeded to head to my room, close the door, and listen to most of the Eels' Electro-Shock Blues album. If you happen to be a faithful reader of my blog, you will know that I love the Eels, and that album in particular helped me through a very difficult time. I guess that's what made me go back to October and read through my thoughts from that time. It still is very vivid to me.

So, graduation weekend has come and gone, and another group of people are leaving Eau Claire. It's pretty neat the impact some of these folks have had on others, and it look like they will be missed a lot. I too will miss some of the outstanding folks, many of whom I shared my entire college experience with. Nick, Colin, and Ryan all graduated, and that right there represents three people that I spent a lot of time with, and I'm honored to have called them roomates (I never thought I'd be "honored" from spending time with someone with such stupendous gas...I'll let you guess who that is).

Many good friends are off to bigger things, and the distance between us is increasing. Andrei is continuing his great work at Chi-Hi, Jake and Angie are moving to 'Tosa, Josh has joined his wife out east, James and Colin are going to Indiana, Ryan is off to St. Louis, Nick and Claire are in Milwaukee...

I don't know if I have a point to this post at all. There just seems to have been a lot of goodbyes happening lately, and for the first time I wasn't around for any of them. I left during Winterim, and have been back several times since, so I didn't really experience the "this is the last day for me ever" feeling. Hell, I'm going back to Eau Claire in a few weeks. But it's not the city that makes the difference, it's the people there...many of whom are still there. And if you are still there, you had best be giving me a call this summer.

1 comment:

Andrei S said...

Thanks for the compliment ...

I feel the same thing about never really having a good bye. I kinda like it that way, because it'll make me stay in touch more, even if it is a little sporatic, which I'm very good at. And I agree about it being the people, not the city.

I'm around this summer - I'm actually going back to Kerm's (with a raise!) to cover my fundage until my contract starts in August. We should get together. I could definitely use some "good ole' boy" time. (No wisecracks on me needing any sort of "good boy" time, either.)

How's your job hunt going? I hope it's successful in the very very near future. If for some reason I can help you out, let me know.

Sorry for blogging on your blog ... Talk soon.

I Voted in 89.3 The Current's Top 89 Albums of 2007