Sunday, May 14, 2006


n: A poem or song of mourning or lamentation

edit: Take some time to read the entries on the link above, from Jim Bonney's blog. Also, take a look at this article, published in the Chippewa Falls newspaper.

I was listening to the WMEA CD of the Wind Symphony from 2003 on my way to work this morning. Branden was playing bari sax that semester, and he was one of the very few reliable bari players we had while I was in the band. I miss the band, and the people in it.

1 comment:

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

I listen to the IMEA CD of the same band from Jan 04 and feel pretty much the same way.

That, and I really like Sleep...I'm a freak.

I Voted in 89.3 The Current's Top 89 Albums of 2007