Tuesday, June 20, 2006

One score, plus three

Well, I suppose it has been a week...should probably write something. I am back in Eau Claire for a brief period - until the end of July. I'm not going to lie, this really only feels like a pit stop to a bigger adventure, but I look forward to spending some time here with some good folks before I finally remove all of my belongings from 716 First Avenue (well, except for the blue chair...Nims loves it too much).

Summer band started, and it's chock-full of weiner-kid goodness. I'm teaching 3 sections of trumpet, a tenor sax class, and a tuba class. So far, I've called a girl a boy, had one kid not bring his tuba mouthpiece because a family member threw it away, and a trumpet kid who can't practice at home because "there's an old lady who lives downstairs. She sleeps all day, and if you wake her up, she gets really crabby." I got three words for ya, kid: WTF?

Yesterday I turned 23, no big deal. Went to Dairy Queen with Adam and Amy after work, and watched the Stanley Cup. Pretty standard birthday for me. But today was much better. After work I headed to Dooley's with Boll and Greg Van Sickle, to enjoy happy hour. We weren't there too long when Nobu shows up. After that, Mr. Gene Power shows up, and my phone is ringing. I don't recognize the number, so I figure it's probably important. Turns out it's the principal from Minnetonka West Middle School. Apparently, I past their first screening process, where they whittled 60-some candidates down to 15. So, while pacing down Lake Street outside of Dooley's, I was administered a 10-question pre-interview screening phone interview, right there on the spot (did I mention I was at happy hour? Don't worry, I was not even close to drunk). The questioning went well though. From here they'll do one of two things: they'll either have another pre-screening phone interview, or they'll select 5 people to interview from this first screening. So, I might have an interview on Friday...there's a 33% chance! I'll take it.

Time for bed...more weiner kids in the morning.

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