Sunday, August 20, 2006

I could get used to this

Ladies and Gentlemen...Presenting: A Sunday in Rare Form.

Today I experienced Sunday as it was meant to be. Well, if you skip the part of Alison heading back up to Sawbill til Labor Day, that is. It was kind of a bummer, but she'll be back soon, and she loves it up there (and she gets paid for it too!). After she left, I threw my rollerblades in my car and headed for the Mississippi, intending to make use of the extensive trail that follows the river along the bluff. Instead, I ended up in the middle of a breast cancer walk, with hundreds of women using every inch of the trail for a good cause. So, I drove in the opposite direction, waving and honking in support, hoping that their path would divert off of the river trail. Finally it did, right at the bridge at Ford Parkway. So I drove a little more, found a place to park, strapped on the blades, and started going. I got about 15 minutes into it when I reached a steep downhill. Realizing that a) I hadn't bladed in almost a month and b) my health insurance has yet to kick in, I decided to turn back.

So I went back home, made some lunch, and watched the Twins on TV, in which they pulled off a spectacular win. That got me to dinner time, which was also delicious. I cleaned up the kitchen, did some laundry, then strapped on my shoes and walked down to the co-op to check out what they had to offer, and went across the street for a cup of coffee, and talked to my mom.

Now I'm back, and am sitting in a comfortable chair, with a cool breeze coming in through the window, and I'm listening to the radio. Who even sits down to listen to the radio anymore? If you lived in the Cities you would more often, since 89.3 The Current is the kind of station (great music, no commercials) that you can sit and listen to for an extended amount of time.

I have no apologies for the play-by-playness of this entry, since today was a day worthy of summary. Tomorrow is my first "official" day at TCA, and on Tuesday-Wednesday we have a staff retreat at a place on the St. Croix river. It should be sweet! I hope your summers are winding down as nicely as mine.

Finally, you all should find a way to see the movie "Little Miss Sunshine." I have never experienced a movie where you can be on the floor rolling with laughter, and extremely moved and touched within the span of 2 minutes. It's a great movie, and Steve Carrell (40 Year Old Virgin, Anchorman, The Office) was amazing. See it!

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I Voted in 89.3 The Current's Top 89 Albums of 2007