Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wedding pho-tos

Well they're finally in. All 689 of them. Anyone interested in looking at the fabulous photography of Monte Swann can check it out here.

1 comment:

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

I just looked at all 689 of those pics. I have the following observations:
1. Nims has a nice smile when it's not forced. And ReeRo for that matter.
2. I truly have lost weight since your wedding.
3. Your photographer really liked Fat-Z. I counted two individual pics of her.
4. When in the heck did I miss "Shout"? I could tell it was Shout because all the kids from EC were completely on the floor, which was totally old school.

Great pics. Everyone's pics make me jealous for the ones that I never got to see of mine -- out of 600 pics, the photographer (not me) chose 250. Not the best way to go.

the end. Have a good weekend. And welcome back to the working world.

I Voted in 89.3 The Current's Top 89 Albums of 2007