Friday, September 14, 2007

For Emma, Forever Ago

I hereby fully acknowledge that no one who reads my blog takes my advice or gives a crap about anything I say regarding sports, politics, music, or life in general. I am not one of those blog writers visited by hundreds of bored cubicle rats daily trying to distract themselves by reading my opinions on the latest releases. I am not nearly that cool.

That being said, I occasionally like to indulge my desires to make my opinions heard, even if they are heard by people who, while appreciating my updates on my life and such, generally see me as the crazy old man who listens to depressing, hippie, sad bastard music.

I appreciate all of my friends for tolerating my indulgence.

I write today about an individual who I personally admire very much. During my time in Eau Claire, I was able to regularly watch him perform, and even one I got to hang out with him and the Cook Brothers when Phil invited me over for soup, which is probably a story I will continue to tell people once the collective secret of their respective genius gets out and they're widely lauded..."yeah? Those guys? I knew them back in the day...they sure know how to make soup."

Seriously, one of the highlights of my life.

I'm getting off track here. The supposed "secret" of the amazingness of Justin Vernon is finally being spread with the release of his new album "For Emma, Forever Ago," under his newly assumed pseudonym Bon Iver. Do a google search and you will find dozens of accounts of how he went into the woods and wound up recording an amazing album. I won't rehash what's been said.

Instead I'll say that I'm thrilled that he's finally getting widespread attention. This album is one of those that you put in your best stereo, turn up incredibly loud, get a foot-pounding-on-the-ceiling-above scolding from the neighbors, put on your headphones, and turn up louder to fully appreciate all of the subtleties of this very delicate, purposeful, expansive, stripped down and atmospheric album. Vernon creates a very unique soundscape that sounds like a crisp January morning, a rainy April night while driving home at 2am, and the first summer night that starts to feel like autumn. It's seasonal, natural, organic, and incredible, and is something that everyone should listen to.

It's streamed online here.

With that, I hope that my addition to the blogging frenzy that's been occurring over this release adds one more hit in the Google search on Vernon's way towards notoriety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Pat. I'm glad that you have a blog. At least for this girl, you are the link to the outside world and apparently, amazing artists like this. Thank goodness Claire brought me this CD last night to listen to. With her and your combined help, I hope to always know what's going on in the world of indie pop music (because lord knows I can't rely on the radio or tv anymore for satisfactory material). In other words, thanks for writing and sharing your thoughts. It's nice to not be the only one to have such strong feelings on the subject...

hugs and kudos :)


I Voted in 89.3 The Current's Top 89 Albums of 2007